Friday, October 22, 2010

Take This Job and Shove It

Part 1 of 3: What I Won't Miss About Rwanda

being called muzungu

shops opening and closing at random times, seemingly based on whim

an entire nation of close talkers


often having nothing to eat but fried bread

food shame

students asking for forgiveness

being heckled by toddlers and mine workers

drunk barflies pestering me about how good God is

3:30am telephone calls from someone I gave my number to under duress seven months ago

being told good morning as dusk gives way to night


blaring half/half music/radio static coming from shitty handheld radios while I'm on a beautiful mountain walk

kinyarwanda radio programs consisting of manic laughter followed by 1,000 dropped calls being pumped into my ear at full volume while I'm on the bus

tree tomatoes

rocks in my rice

living with the matrons


asking a question in class to get students thinking, and receiving a rote memorized answer from a similar topic they've already discussed in General Paper

Senior 4

lack of clear information about anything

endless, endless, endless speeches at any event

Kigali boredom

muzungu prices

the man in charge of parcels at the Kacyiru post office

falling down while running on crazy dirt trails

hand-washing, especially jeans

lack of ice

mosquito nets with holes in them

"it is not possible."

having a western toilet without western running water

the insane leery claustrophobia of markets

and, one more time for emphasis:


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